When purchasing a manufactured home, or a mobile home you need to do a lot of your research upfront. It will make a huge difference in finding the hidden gem and your long-term happiness. Be sure to work with the right real estate agent that understands the manufactured home buying process inside and out. Also, working with your best lender options, that can finance the mobile home that will fit your budget is super important. Be sure you understand all the laws and restrictions to where your manufactured home will be placed before signing. There are many steps involved to your can avoid the pitfalls that are common. And in this video, I show you the things that you must know before purchasing a manufactured home. Manufactured homes come in many forms.  A manufactured home, also known as a mobile home or what some old schoolers call a trailer home, is a prefabricated structure built in a factory and then transported to a site where it is placed on a foundation. Modular and manufactured homes are prefabricated structures, meaning they are partially or fully constructed in an off-site factory. The primary difference between modular and manufactured homes is that modular homes are held to the same local, state, and regional building codes required for on-site homes. Many entry-level models can provide affordable housing for many Americans. Approximately 20 million Americans live in mobile homes which is about 5.6% of the United States Population. Experts say that modular construction is efficient and ideal for a variety of housing options. This is what you need to know so you can find your own affordable home and avoid the pitfalls that are costly. ✳️ 13 Affordable Home Lies!…NEVER Buy A Cheap House Without Knowing This! - https://youtu.be/QOtWLc0oCeY ✳️ Absolutely NEVER Buy This Type Of Home - https://youtu.be/kui6J6oBIT4 ✳️ Alternative Places BEFORE Buying, Relocating or Retiring to Florida! -https://youtu.be/VRTjNfGeybY ✳️ INSIDE 3 NEW AFFORDABLE HOUSE TOUR IN SOUTH CAROLINA UNDER $300,000 - https://youtu.be/e8dqwJ-tKY4 ✳️ 10 IMPORTANT Things To Know Before YOU Move To Florida - https://youtu.be/iuLAqV1MHzM ✳️ AVOID LIVING IN A 55 PLUS COMMUNITY - https://youtu.be/kUibKY4GkQg ✳️ REVEALED: Living In SOUTH CAROLINA vs NORTH CAROLINA - https://youtu.be/3BSNSs3ZGS0 ✳️ SOUTH CAROLINA'S Top 3 BEST PLACES To Move To In SC - https://youtu.be/OPLB12EKbDE ✳️ MUST KNOW Before Buying Land and Building A House - https://youtu.be/bzIQv5Sd6ao ✳️ AVOID MOVING TO SOUTH CAROLINA - Unless You Can Deal With These 10 Facts - https://youtu.be/YO4ze6d36pk #modularhomes #mobilehomes #manufacturedhomes Brought to you by: Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts 604 N 27th Ave Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 843-839-9870 🟢 Start Here! - https://www.HomeGuideMyrtleBeach.com Disclaimer: All information given in my videos is meant to be educational. This video is not intended to replace your research, nor to provide legal, investment, or financial advice. For legal advice consult a lawyer.